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Discord Bot and Hosting Clarification

Before proceeding with the integration process, it's crucial to understand key details about our Gmod Integraiton in relation to Discord bot hosting. Please note that our Discord bot isn't directly hosted on your GMod server. Instead, it functions by leveraging the API offered by Gmod Integration.

Functionality Overview:

  • The Gmod Integration Discord bot and your GMod server are distinct entities.
  • The bot utilizes Gmod Integration's API to establish seamless communication and synchronization between Discord and Garry's Mod.
  • Acting as an intermediary, the API ensures effective integration and efficient data transfer.

Infrastructure Compromise

In the unfortunate event that our infrastructure or services are compromised, it's essential to consider the potential far-reaching consequences, such as unauthorize access with total control over your Garry's Mod server and Discord Guild.

To limit the impact of a potential compromise, we have implemented a series of security measures to protect your data and infrastructure.

In the event of a compromise, we can:

  • Disable the Discord Bot.
  • Reset the Discord Bot Token.
  • Disable the Gmod Integration API.
  • Disable the Gmod Integration Websocket.
  • Disable the Gmod Integration Admin Panel.
  • Reset all server token.
  • Kill all user session.

In case of a major compromise, we can:

  • Delete production database.
  • Delete production server.
  • Remove DNS record.

We take the security of our infrastructure seriously and implement robust measures to prevent unauthorized access. However, it's important to recognize that no system can be entirely immune to determined attackers. We encourage server administrators to stay vigilant, keep their systems up-to-date with security patches, and monitor for any unusual activities.

Disaster Recovery

In the event of a disaster, we have a comprehensive disaster recovery plan in place to ensure the continuity of our services. Our disaster recovery plan includes:

  • Regularly backing up our database and other critical data.
  • Storing backups in a secure location.
  • Testing our disaster recovery plan to ensure it's effective.

Data Privacy and Security

We place a strong emphasis on data privacy and security. We acknowledge the sensitivity of information exchanged during the integration process, and we maintain strict privacy protocols to safeguard your data.

For comprehensive insights into data usage, storage, and our unwavering commitment to preserving your data's security, please consult our Privacy Policy.